Thursday, June 14, 2007

To the moon, Mama

My son is going to be an astronaut someday, I just know it. He loves the moon. He gets so excited when he sees it in the sky. When we go outside, the first thing he does is look up, trying to find the moon (and if he can't find it, he says "Moon hiding!") His favorite books are books about the moon. ("Goodnight Moon" by Margaret Wise Brown and "Papa, Please Get the Moon for Me" by Eric Carle).

But it doesn't stop there. He knows the names of the planets, too. He has a place-mat that has all the planets and he knows their names and can point most of them out when we ask him to. He also likes stars. And his latest thing is pretending about outer space. He will play with his toys and pretend like they are flying through the air to outer space. His favorite is Elmo in a boat, which is a bath toy--he zooms little Elmo around the house in his boat, and says "Elmo go outer-pace!" over and over. It's the cutest thing.

Maybe I should start saving money now to take him on one of those tourist space flights. Or at least a really good telescope.

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