Friday, August 17, 2007

Need motivation

So far our blogging experiment hasn't gone very well. We're not exactly burning up the keyboard writing posts, are we? I have to admit, I've been in a funk for a little while. I can't put my finger on it....I'm just not motivated to do, well, anything. Some kind of summer-time slump or something. I need to get over it, though. I'm just not sure how.

If anyone is still reading this blog, I apologize for my slackass-ness. I'm going to try to write more often. We'll see how that goes.

Monday, July 2, 2007

My past life

My child is only 2 years old. Yet I find myself having a hard time remembering what life was like before he was born, even though it wasn't really that long ago. I vaguely remember having free time--I'm not sure what I did with all that time, though. Took it for granted, that's for sure. I remember going restaurants, bars, movies, going out shopping on the spur of the moment without making sure my husband was available to stay home with our son.....or worrying about dragging the kid along with me. I also remember getting a good night's which I would get 8 hours straight without being awakened by calls of "mama! mama!" or crying because a pacifier has fallen to the floor. I remember sleeping in--ah, what a luxury that was. Now 7 a.m. is what I consider "sleeping in." And if, on the off chance I do have the opportunity to sleep until say, 9 or 9:30, I feel like I've wasted part of the day.

All of these things--they seem so distant. And some days I do miss those days. But not really. All of that has led to this point in my sitting here at my computer, a baby monitor on the desk from which I can hear the peacful sound of my son softly breathing as he sleeps. Sure, we don't go out much any more. And yes, I'm up most every morning by 6:30.....some mornings before 6......and yes, he still wakes me up at night--a lot. But before he was born--in that past life--I never got the hugs and kisses, I never got to hear his beautiful and contagious belly laugh, I never got to hear him say "wuv uu, mama!" (translation: I love you, mama), never had the joy of watching him grow and learn and change every day. All of that stuff I used to be able to do before he was born--all of that pales in comparison.

Monday, June 25, 2007

Why I Love my Job

I think I've mentioned before that I work for a college. It's the same college where I went to school. I just came here and, well, never left. It wasn't that I didn't *try* to leave, it just worked out that I got a job here. But I am so glad I did.

The best years of my life were spent here as a student. It's where I made most of the friends I still have, it's where I met my husband, it's where I really think I became the person I am today. I love being able to walk around campus, where nostalgia lies around every corner. Sometimes I'll go into a building or walk down a certain sidewalk and the memories come flooding back.....I love that. Not everyone is so lucky to work in a place they love so much.

When I got the job, I remember telling a friend of mine who had been my roommate in college. Her reply was, "You can't stay there forever. You have to enter the *real world* at some point." I have come to the conclusion that is not true. I don't want to be part of the *real world* (whatever that means--and yes, working in academia is much different than working in some corporate job....I know that now.) So I choose to stay here. Everyone talks so much about how hard the "real world" why not stay here? It's safe and cozy here and they do give me a paycheck to be here, after all. So why not? Who needs the "real world" anyway?

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Life's Been Good to Me So Far...

Kinda showing my age a little with that title, but either you get it or you don't. I ran into an old friend of mine in the parking lot of a store last night. She's a sweet person, always has been. But, I realized, as I listened to her go on and on about all the tradgedies she's had in the last fifteen years, that life's been good to me... so far. I've had very few truly bad things happen. I have a family unit that is close and supportive. I have a wonderful husband and beautiful children. My lifestyle affords me the opportunity to stay home with my children. I've got it pretty good. Am I rolling in dough? Absolutely not. Financially, things are tight. But, they are do-able. Yep, I've got it pretty darn good. I just need to remember that sometimes when I get irritated with life. I can't complain, really. So, thanks, Life, for treatin' me right.

Friday, June 15, 2007

Happy birthday, Toni!

Just wanted to post and say a big happy birthday to my blogging buddy. Hope you have a wonderful day!

Thursday, June 14, 2007

To the moon, Mama

My son is going to be an astronaut someday, I just know it. He loves the moon. He gets so excited when he sees it in the sky. When we go outside, the first thing he does is look up, trying to find the moon (and if he can't find it, he says "Moon hiding!") His favorite books are books about the moon. ("Goodnight Moon" by Margaret Wise Brown and "Papa, Please Get the Moon for Me" by Eric Carle).

But it doesn't stop there. He knows the names of the planets, too. He has a place-mat that has all the planets and he knows their names and can point most of them out when we ask him to. He also likes stars. And his latest thing is pretending about outer space. He will play with his toys and pretend like they are flying through the air to outer space. His favorite is Elmo in a boat, which is a bath toy--he zooms little Elmo around the house in his boat, and says "Elmo go outer-pace!" over and over. It's the cutest thing.

Maybe I should start saving money now to take him on one of those tourist space flights. Or at least a really good telescope.

Monday, June 11, 2007

When did I get old?

It hit me today. I am old. Whether I like it or not, I am old. Yeah, yeah, plenty of people will tell you that 30 isn't old. There are also people who say that 40, 50 and 60 aren't old either. (If that's the case, when are you considered "old?" 70? 80? Never?)

I saw this story today:

That's right, folks. "Baby Jessica" happened 20 years ago. 20. TWENTY. And I remember it like it was yesterday. I remember being glued to my TV with my parents, watching that news coverage, hoping and praying that she would be OK. I remember crying a little when they got her out. I remember the cheesy TV movie that came later.

I think the reason this is getting me to more than other anniversaries of major media events I've witnessed during my life is that I remember this one so clearly. And I do not *feel* like I should be old enough to remember and event from 20 years ago in such detail. It just does not seem like 20 years should have lapsed between then and now. I hope the next 20 years does not go by as fast, but I have a feeling--if the past 2 years are any indication--that it will go a LOT faster.