Sunday, June 10, 2007

Domo arigato, Kiddo Roboto

Japanese researchers have built a robot that acts like toddler to use in studying child development:

I have a few questions about this, not the least of which is: why not study real, live children to learn about child development?

And how realistic is this thing? Does it run away from you, laughing and saying "NO!" when you try to get it to comply with your instructions? Does it throw stuff, especially stuff that is not intended for throwing? Does it dramatically lay down in the floor and wail if it can't have yet another puch of Finding Nemo Fruit Snacks? Does it insist on watching the same episode of "Little Einsteins" or "Mickey Mouse Clubhouse" over and over ad nauseum? Does it pick its nose and hand you the boogers? (which, though gross, is better than eating them...) Does it fight and kick and scream getting into the bathtub, but then fight and kick and scream when it's time to get out?

No? Well, then....IMO, it does not act like a toddler. Those scientsts need to get back to the drawing board.

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