Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Life's Been Good to Me So Far...

Kinda showing my age a little with that title, but either you get it or you don't. I ran into an old friend of mine in the parking lot of a store last night. She's a sweet person, always has been. But, I realized, as I listened to her go on and on about all the tradgedies she's had in the last fifteen years, that life's been good to me... so far. I've had very few truly bad things happen. I have a family unit that is close and supportive. I have a wonderful husband and beautiful children. My lifestyle affords me the opportunity to stay home with my children. I've got it pretty good. Am I rolling in dough? Absolutely not. Financially, things are tight. But, they are do-able. Yep, I've got it pretty darn good. I just need to remember that sometimes when I get irritated with life. I can't complain, really. So, thanks, Life, for treatin' me right.

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